Top 8 Foods George W Bush should eat daily

With heart disease the number one killer of men and women in the United States, eating healthy is becoming even more important. Studies have shown that people who eat healthy food start with childhood are less likely to develop heart problems. However, even people who have eaten their fair share of fast food burgers, fries and shakes can prevent heart disease by eating a better diet. With a healthier diet, George Bush could have avoided having to do a stent implant. Avoid a similar fate by eating heart healthy foods. Below, we’ll review the seven best foods for healthy living and preventing heart disease.


Not only do oranges taste sweet and delicious, but also they contain many heart healthy ingredients. To start, the pulp and pith of the orange contain an enormous amount of pectin. Pectin is a soluble fiber that soaks up cholesterol in food before it can be absorbed by the body. In short, the more pectin found in the body the less likely that heart-clogging cholesterol will enter the bloodstream. In addition to the pulp and pith, the potassium found in the citrus of the fruit helps to manage blood pressure by controlling salt intake. Medical studies have shown that individuals who have a diet rich in fruits and vegetables are significantly less likely to have heart disease.


This leafy green is imperative for a healthy heart as it contains powerful antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, potassium and vitamin E. Kale is best known for helping to minimize the risk of developing atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis occurs when an artery wall becomes think due to the build up of fat. This disease is often found in obese individuals or those with a diet rich in processed fats and cholesterol. Included in Kale is the compound glucoraphanin that helps to prevent plaque from building in the arteries. This unusual substance creates a very strong and durable coating along the arteries that cannot be penetrated by fatty foods.


Research has proven that garlic helps to reduce blood pressure and decrease artery-clogging plaque. The more garlic consumed, the more the blood vessels in the body constrict. When this occurs, plaque is likely to become permanently attached to the arteries. To increase your garlic intake, try adding the onion-like vegetable to salads, entrees or marinades for meats. However, those that do not enjoy the pungent and strong flavor of onion can opt to take it in a supplement form.

Red Wine:

Not all cholesterol is bad for the body and red win contains HDL a good cholesterol that helps to prevent plaque. In addition to preventing plaque, red wine contains polyphenols that help keep blood vessels flexible. The less flexible the blood vessel is the more prone the body becomes to clotting. It is important to note that while red wine has been proven to help in maintaining a healthy heart it should be consumed in moderation. In addition to red wine, drinking dark beers has many of the same benefits.

Dark Chocolate:

Indulge in your sweet tooth by consuming a small amount of dark chocolate daily to help reduce blood pressure. The more cocoa in the chocolate bar the more effective it is at lowering a person’s blood pressure. Included in cocoa are compounds called flavanols that help make blood vessels more flexible. When selecting a dark chocolate bar choose one that has been minimally processed. Dove Dark chocolate bars contain the highest levels of heart healthy flavanols.

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Top Reasons Why We Crave Junk Food – and How to Avoid Them

All of us have experienced it at one time or another – a sudden and seemingly insatiable craving for junk food at the most odd times. If you have ever found yourself craving a chocolate bar first thing in the morning or potato chips late at night, you are not alone; thousands of people deal with these types of stubbornly persistent cravings. While there is nothing uncommon about having junk food cravings, the real concern for most people is how to handle them when they attack. Since knowing your enemy is half the battle, it is important to identify the causes so that you will be better equipped to fight them off. Below are eight common reasons why we have junk food cravings, along with some remedial steps we can take to combat their ever-present demands.

Reason # 1: Lack of Sleep

Sleep deprivation can have several negative effects on your physical health, not the least of which is an uncanny urge to consume foods that have little to no nutritional value. Scores of studies have been published that reveal a strong link between poor sleep and increased appetites, particularly for salty and sweet foods. Since food is what provides your body with the energy it needs to survive, your body will demand a greater amount of energy after a sleepless night in order to fight off the sluggishness and drowsiness brought on by sleep deprivation.

One study in particular conducted by researchers at the University of California at Berkeley revealed that sleep deprivation effectively shuts off the influence of the frontal lobe, the part of the brain responsible for complex decision-making, while at the same time activating a deeper region of the brain that responds to motivation and desire. This combination of increased appetite and lowered inhibitions is like a one-two punch that leads to poor food choices. The main way to stave off this type of problem is to make a conscious decision to stay on a regular sleep schedule as much as possible. Do your best to get between 6 – 8 hours of sleep a night, and try to go to bed at the same time every night as well.
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Best Post Workout Foods

After you work out your body is drained of energy as well as nutrients that it needs to have replenished. By eating the proper foods after you get a good workout in you will find that you feel better and that you recover more quickly. While there are a lot of different foods to choose from, there are some that are better than others. Below you will find 10 foods and recipes you can make with them!

1. Chicken

Chicken is low in calories, it’s easy to cook and it’s low in carbohydrates. In addition to this, chicken is high in protein, which is what your body needs after you burn calories and build muscle. Chicken stir fry is a great recipe to have after working out, as it’s easy to cook and can be made with any vegetables you have available to use.

1 chicken breast –
1/4 cup sliced red bell pepper –
1 sliced carrot –
1/4 cup sliced onion –
1/4 cup edamame –
1 tbsp light soy sauce –
Salt/pepper to taste –
1 tsp red pepper flakes –
1 cup chopped broccoli –
1/2 cup green beans –
Start by chopping up all of your veggies (minus the edamame), and then cutting up your chicken into small pieces. From here, pour a small amount of olive oil into a frying pan and fry the veggies for about three minutes. After this, add in the chicken and cook until it’s no longer pink. Then, add in the rest of your ingredients and stir together in a large bowl. Eat and enjoy after working out!

2. Quinoa

Quinoa is a great alternative to rice because it’s higher in protein and has quite a bit of fiber in it as well. Eating this after working out will result in your body getting vitamins, nutrients, fiber and protein that it really needs to have. Quinoa and fruit is a sweet snack that you can enjoy after working out, and the recipe is below:

Quinoa and Fruit 

2/3 cup cooked quinoa –
1/4 cup blueberries –
1 tablespoon almonds or walnuts –
2 tsp brown sugar –
1/4 tsp cinnamon-
Mix all of these ingredients together after working out and you will have a snack that fills you up without making you feel heavy and bloated. The sweetness of the blueberries will satisfy your sweet tooth and the complex carbohydrates in the quinoa will fill you up without causing your insulin to spike.
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List Of Diets That Never Work

Diets have long been advertised as the quickest way to achieving a better looking and healthier body. However, diets are not without their downsides and are often not the lifesavers that they are billed as being. With new diets emerging everyday, scientists and researchers are constantly being required to test the merits and results of each one. While there is no denying that there are many popular, researched and scientifically proven diets available many are just gimmicks that illicit short term gains while sacrificing long term health. Here are the top five diets that never work.

1.Food Group Specific Diets:

Many diets call for people to eat only certain food groups or food types like meat, vegetables or low-carbohydrates. However, many dietitians and nutritionists are recommending that their patients avoid diets that do not allow for consumption of all food groups. Numerous diet fads have been invented like the cabbage soup diet and grapefruit diet that allow for limited or non-existent consumption of specific foods. Unfortunately, people who subscribe to these diets are not getting the nutrients needed for a balanced lifestyle. Recently, the American Diabetes Association has published studies that show eating only a certain food group does not provide the body’s required nutrients. Consequently, these diets may result in weight loss in the short term; however, they may also have negative health consequences at a later date. Furthermore, restricting access to certain foods only leads to us craving these outlawed items. Enjoying indulgences such as ice cream or pizza is important during a diet because it helps eliminate our craving for these unhealthy items. Additionally, rewarding our body for the hard work of losing weight through diet and exercise by enjoying a treat is imperative.

2.Detox Diets:

Most commonly referred to as the Master Cleanse and The Martha’s Vineyard Diet Detox, these diets call for individuals to flush their livers through cleanse, hormone injections and supplements. For years, people have been making the argument that cleansing our liver and kidneys of toxic chemicals can help lead to weight loss. As an example, many people believe that constant drinking of water can lead to substantial weight loss. However, while water is a necessary ingredient in any weight loss regimen, simply drinking large quantities of the liquid is not going to result in sustained weight loss. Yes, drinking water will help to clean out the body of toxins and can result in weight loss; however, the decrease of pounds is not a reflection of losing weight. Currently, there is no scientific evidence that taking a cleanse or detox pill is an appropriate diet.
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Sleep Better With Natural Remedies

Not only does a full night of sleep leave us happier and with more energy in the morning, but also the better the sleep the healthier we will be. Lack of sleep can be a sign of more serious health problems. Luckily, overcoming insomnia can be possible by making changes to your diet. By increasing your consumption of the following fruits, vegetables and herbs you should start being able to sleep better and wake up feeling refreshed.

Tart Cherry Juice and Raw Cherries:

Although not a common breakfast beverage, drinking cherry juice in the morning has been shown to aid in sleeping. Cherries contain large amounts of melatonin that can help relieve insomnia. A powerful hormone, melatonin helps to regulate the body’s sleep and energy cycles. Individuals lacking enough melatonin will suffer from being constantly tired and not being able to get a full night’s of sleep. Additionally, try eating cherries raw to receive the same benefits as the juice.

Sweet Potatoes:

In addition to containing high numbers of complex proteins that promote healthy sleep sweet potatoes also have large amounts of potassium. Potassium works to relax the muscles and induce healthy sleep. Consuming a sweet potato on a daily basis has been shown to lead to better sleep. It is important to note that the majority of nutrients are found in the skin of the potato. Therefore, eating both the skin and the filling is imperative to receive all the benefits of the sweet potato.
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Symptoms And Causes Of Overeating

The main characteristics of binge eating disorder include:
Feeling tremendously upset or distressed following a binge eating episode, frequent bouts of uncontrollable binge eating. For binge eaters, overeating is a habitual and uncontrollable occurrence, and food is used to deal with stress and other depressing emotions, even if afterwards the person feels worse.

Causes of Binge Eating:

Low self esteem
Negative self-evaluation
Nerve-racking life events
Partaking in extremely competitive dance or sports
Feeling isolated and alone from others
Family background eating disorders
Dissimilar to bulimia, binge eaters have an insurmountable will to continue with their binging behavior minus repeated attempts to “makeup for being naughty” for their binges by over-exercising, fasting, or vomiting. Dieting is a tremendous risk factor for any eating disorder. Numerous individuals with binge eating disorder are magnets for repeated failed diets
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12 Most Dangerous Additives in Processed Foods

Unfortunately, many of the best tasting and delicious food products are made with dangerous and artificial flavorings. These toxic preservatives, sweeteners and additives enhance the flavor of food by changing their genetic composition. The result is food that may taste better, but is slowly killing the human population. Now is the time to educate ourselves on food that is made from all natural ingredients that can still taste delicious.

Artificial Sweeteners-Aspartame

Aspartame is a common ingredient in diet soda, sugar free gum, sugar free soda, cereal, kool aid, chewable vitamins and even toothpaste. Most commonly found in foods that are labeled “diet” or “sugar free” artificial sweeteners, otherwise known as Aspartame, is a carcinogenic with many negative consequences. As a neurotoxin and carcinogen, artificial sweeteners have been scientifically tested and researched to show that they cause short-term memory lose and can decrease a person’s intelligence.

High Fructose Corn Syrup

The corn used to make HFCS is mostly genetically modified varieties. High fructose corn syrup is a type of highly refined artificial sweetener that is found in everything from breads to granola bars to soups. While it is likely that you will have to spend more money to find products that don’t use this artificial sweetener it is imperative for your health and the health of your children that you avoid high fructose corn syrup. The syrup is a key contributor to America’s battle with obesity as it increases a person’s bad cholesterol levels and leads to diabetes.
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10 Super Healthy Snacks Under 200 Calories

For several years now, there have been more and more people speaking out about the five to six meals a day phenomenon. Though this topic of conversation has gained momentum lately, many consumers still have no idea how eating several meals per day helps them to improve their overall health. Regardless of the reason, you may want to modify your eating habits whether it is to lose weight, ensure a more nutritional diet, for fitness training, or to control your blood sugar, five or six meals a day might be just what you need to add balance to your diet. The next time you feel hunger pangs taking over, satisfy your palate with a nutritious low calorie snack and avoid the high calories and the guilt afterwards!

1. Seedless Cucumber Slices/Low-fat Cheese
A half-cup of cucumbers contains just eight calories, put together with two-slices of low-fat cheese; this snack will have you feeling full in no time. Calories: 128

2. Nuts/Raw Veggies
One ounce of nuts with one-half cup of sliced red-pepper is filled with healthy fats and protein. The nuts will have you feeling full, while the red-pepper will give you a good dose of vitamins A and C. Calories: 163
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5 Fattiest Restaurant Dishes in Britain

Calorie Rich Dishes in UK

Calorie exposure doesn’t seem to be a prerequisite in the UK when it comes to foods! Nonetheless, by comparing the ingredients, of these five foods to dishes with similar ingredients, you will find the calorie count is quite high.

Stargazy Pie
Stargazy pie is a scary looking dish. This UK dish calls for no less than 16 quail’s eggs! The key feature is the fish heads staring upwards, hence the name “Stargazy.” Streaky bacon, puff pastry, and plenty of butter are a few of the calorie-laden ingredients that make up this creepy looking pie.

Spotted Dick
Spotted Dick is a classic UK dessert made chiefly from suet and currants. Suet is a type of animal fat similar to lard. The calorie count may not be in the 1000s but the calories from fat is high.

Scotch Egg
The Scotch Egg is originally from Scotland and made with a hardboiled egg swathed in sausage-meat, covered in breadcrumbs, and to drive the hammer to the nail, it’s deep-fried. Just think of the luscious calories from fat!
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9 Hormone Supplements You Need To Know About

Hormonal imbalances are very common these days, and they affect men and women of all ages. Despite the fact that they are usually not dangerous, hormonal imbalances can trigger skin blemishes and discomfort, especially since they are often associated with menstrual cramps and bothersome PMS symptoms. Here is a brief overview of 9 herbal supplements that are ideal for balancing hormones naturally:

1. Saw Palmetto

Saw Palmetto extract comes in the form of soft gels and it contains numerous beneficial compounds that are known to restore the hormonal balance as well as to support prostate health in the long run (flavonoids, fatty acids as well as sterols). Saw Palmetto is basically a low-growing palm tree that has been used for centuries due to its health benefits, and this extract is recommended to men over 40.

2. Dandelion Root Supplement

Dandelions are widely used in traditional medicine, as they contain sterols, pectin, phenolic acids, vitamins, lutein and a wealth of carotenoids. Dandelion root extract contains high amounts of vitamin A and C (perfect for strengthening your immune system), it contains lecithin which is essential for boosting your cognitive function, it acts as a hepatic stimulant and it also lowers the levels of LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol). At the same time, dandelion root extract is also known to support the proper functioning of the liver, an organ that plays a pivotal role in the elimination of toxins. The liver is also responsible for hormone production, including androgens which are known to trigger acne breakouts. If you suffer from hormonal imbalance, then dandelion supplements will surely help you.

3. Motherwort

Just like the dandelion root, the motherwort also has a series of health benefits: it helps you relieve stress and improve heart function, it supports the health of your cardiovascular system and it also relaxes the muscles and the blood vessels. If you suffer from high blood pressure, heart palpitations and high triglycerides, then motherwort can be your best ally. At the same time, motherwort is widely used to relieve the symptoms of menopause: this herb acts as a menstrual regulator that treats hot flashes and insomnia, and it is also known for its hormone-balancing properties.
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